Copyright Statement:

Artwork is copyright © 2024 TitusW. All rights reserved.

All copyrights of all artwork, original characters, original worlds, stories, comics, text descriptions, website content, original files, and other related intellectual property (for both commercial and non-commercial use) are reserved and owned solely by their creator TitusW.

Copyright agreements for commissioned artwork are outlined in the Terms of Service document agreed upon by both parties at the time of payment.

Special notice 1:
All artwork, media, and other copyrighted properties created and/or owned by TitusW may not be used in any blockchain-related technology. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: NFTs, cryptocurrency, and other similar or related technologies and future inventions relating to blockchain technology. TitusW does not utilize or endorse such technologies, and all instances of their copyrighted property being used in blockchain-related technology should be considered fraudulent and an infringement of TitusW’s copyright ownership. If such usage violations are encountered, please report them for takedown using the email address listed below. Thank you.

Special Notice 2:
All artwork, media, and other copyrighted properties created and/or owned by TitusW may not be used in any artificial intelligence artwork generation in any capacity. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: Training AI models, use in AI training datasets, used for AI generation prompts, or any other use relating to AI generation of artwork. TitusW does not utilize or endorse such technologies, and all instances of their copyrighted property being used in AI artwork generation technology should be considered fraudulent and an infringement of TitusW’s copyright ownership. If such usage violations are encountered, please report them for takedown using the email address listed below. Thank you.

Artwork Reposting Statement:

Reposting of all artwork, except for in the cases listed below, without prior written permission from TitusW, is forbidden.
Please refrain from reposting artwork, and instead post links to the original posts made by TitusW.

However, there are a few exceptions outlined here:

  • Commissioned Artwork may be reposted by the customer, as long as it follows the terms outlined in the agreed upon Terms of Service mentioned above.

  • Artwork may be reposted to under the following conditions: It is not posted inappropriately or in a damaging way as defined by the artist, the image has a rating of sfw, the image is unedited as its original public file, artist name “titusw” and artwork name are in the title, and the original artwork post is properly sourced/linked. This permission can be revoked by the artist at any time for any reason.

  • Artwork may be reposted to the furry art site e621 under the following conditions: 1: The image has a rating of “safe” the image is unedited as its original public file, artist is properly credited and artist tag assigned correctly, (if a commission or gift) the customer or character owner is properly credited, the character tags are assigned correctly, the original artwork description (from FurAffinity) is added to the post, and the original artwork post is properly sourced/linked. This permission can be revoked by the artist at any time for any reason.


If you have any questions about usage and copyright, would like to ask for permission for usage, or have found a post violating my terms, please feel free to contact me via DMs/notes or via the email address

Thank you!